- Unit 1
Functions: Giving instructions – Grammar: Passives with «get» (more colloquial). Compound nouns: noun+noun noun+gerund and gerund+noun. Passive constructions: it is to be done etc. – Vocabulary: Meditation Handicrafts Electrical appliances.
The first Americans
Functions: Talking about the history of America – Grammar: Verbs+prepositions/ adverbs: blame for refer to warn of etc. – Vocabulary: American Indians.
Diversity is the spice of life
Functions: Talking about diversity – Grammar: Ways of comparing: irregular adjectives (farther elder hard fast etc); more and more or bigger and bigger; qualifiers (even more far less etc. ); by far the most at least as…. as. Abstract nouns used as countables: it’s a pity/ shame that; it’s a wonder an interest in etc. – Vocabulary: Races Customs.
What’s on the box?
Functions: Talking about TV – Grammar: Synonyms – Vocabulary: The television: documentaries soap operas quiz programmes comedies.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 2
Tarzan of the apes
Functions: Talking about popular culture: Tarzan of the Apes – Grammar: Adverbs+adverb phrases/ sentence adverb . Adverbs of manner place and time. Position of the adverbs – Vocabulary: Films Books
Travelling in space
Functions: Talking about life in the future – Grammar: Expressions with have: have a meal an operation etc. – Vocabulary: The space.
Fly me to the moon – Reading comprehension
In this lesson students read a written passage of text about the possibility of travelling to space. The text is followed by questions in a sequential order that elicit students’ skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice paragraph sequence and matching statements with their corresponding sections.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 3
Natural disasters
Functions: Talking about natural disasters – Grammar: Types of conditionals: first conditional Prepositions+gerund : For putting out fire on seeing an accident by helping others in using the lift. – Vocabulary: Natural disasters.
Sleep and dreams
Functions: Talking about dreams – Grammar: Uses of the relative pronoun: that who which whose where when and what. – Vocabulary: Dreams.
You’re as old as you feel
Functions: Expressing health problems due to the old age – Grammar: Expressions: you’re as old as you feel leaves a lot to be desired etc. Replacing relative clauses with gerund and infinitive. Masculine+femenine words – Vocabulary: Parts of the human body Illnesses.
Advertising – Strategies
Functions: Expressing different ways of advertising I – Grammar: Adjectives+infinitives: it was nice/rude of you to do that Foreign words in common use:French Spanish German Italian Chinese and Indian words into the English language. – Vocabulary: Advertising I.
Test exercises
- Unit 4
Advertising – Products and messages
Functions: Expressing different ways of advertising II – Grammar: Units and containers: packet box cartons bottle jar jug etc. – Vocabulary: Advertising II Organic food The Royal Navy Magazine subscription.
Learning to write
Functions: The history of writing – Grammar: Subordinate clauses – Vocabulary: Archeological discoveries.
Stories from over the world
Functions: Talking about the American literature – Grammar: Common expressions: and they lived happily ever after once upon a time etc. Narrative tense: past simple past continuous past perfect past perfect continuous used to+would was/were about to/ going to. – Vocabulary: Tales.
Great minds
Functions: Talking about famous people and their discoveries – Grammar: Reported speech:unchanged verbs and time expressions in reported speech. – Vocabulary: Inventions.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 5
Twentieth century breakthroughs
Functions: Talking about the beginning of the twentieth century – Grammar: English common expressions: comes first there’s a lot to be said for… etc. Uses of some/any/no/none. – Vocabulary: The television Housework Electrical appliances: the vacuum cleaner.
Choosing your pet
Functions: Talking about animals – Grammar: Complaints and irritation Verbs followed by an infinitive with to. Try mean hope etc. Euphemisms and understatement: she’s poorly under the weather etc. – Vocabulary: Animals.
Mythical creatures and psychic powers in animals
Functions: Talking about legends – Grammar: Useful English expressions: as you wish/ please yourself long in the tooth etc. – Vocabulary: Legends Mythical Beasts.
Test exercises
- Unit 6
Here is the news
Functions: Expressing how to write news – Grammar: Noun+full infinitive: the ability to discover one’s decision to discover etc. Verb+that+should ( formal language): they advised that we should visit etc. – Vocabulary: Newspapers.
Social trends
Functions: Talking about society – Grammar: Uses of let and may. Infinitive expressions: to be about to to make up one’s mind to to set out to etc. – Vocabulary: Social background.
In the beginning…
Functions: Talking about the beginning of the earth – Grammar: Verbs followed by gerund or infinitive – Vocabulary: Biology The space.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 7
The end of the world
Functions: Talking about the end of the world – Grammar: English common expressions: all things considered in vain not to mention on the verge of under threat and we can be safe in assuming. Noun+clause+that It is a shame/ miracle etc. Verb+possessive+gerund I dread/ don’t mind his paying etc. – Vocabulary: Religion.
Travel broadens the mind
Functions: Talking about travelling abroad – Grammar: Changes from a noun into a verb – Vocabulary: Travels Health School leavers Novels National parks.
Functions: Talking about TV programmes – Grammar: Review lesson – Vocabulary: Quiz shows.
Journey to success – Reading comprehension
In this lesson students read several reviews of self-help books. The text is followed by questions in a sequential order that elicit students’ skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice and matching statements with their corresponding sections.
Test exercises
- Course revision
- End-of-module test.
Final test
In this last lesson of the course and as a way to revise the student will come across a variety of exercises which will help consolidate and evaluate any knowledge which has been acquired throughout the duration of the course.
- Unit 1
Dictionary use
Functions: Defining words: how to use a dictionary. – Grammar: Phrasal verbs catch up (on) drop in ( on sb.) fall out give up look for make of rub out turn out etc. – Vocabulary: Abbreviations.
Discusion and debate
Functions: Expressing discussion and debate. – Grammar: Introductory verbs in reported speech: agree/ promise/+infinitive deny+gerund Types of connectors: comparing and contrasting connectors adding ideas connectors cause connectors reason connectors purpose connectors and result connectors . – Vocabulary: Discussion and debate.
Peace pilgrim
Functions: Using relatives – Grammar: Meaning and uses of whoever whichever whatever wherever whenever however. – Vocabulary: Mysticism.
Women adventurers
Functions: Talking about the past: women adventures. – Grammar: Different uses and meanings of as and like. – Vocabulary: Adventures.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 2
Functions: Telephoning conversations. – Grammar: Rules to form the plural: irregular plurals plurals from latin and greek origin nouns that are always plural. Units and containers: a packet a jar a carton a bar a slice etc. Basic telephone conversation: useful expressions: can I speak to…? would you like me to take a message? etc. – Vocabulary: Telephoning.
Formal letters and customer service
Functions: How to write formal letters – Grammar: Inversion in formal language . Inversion in conditionals. Formal expressions: I have been obliged to in addition to please do not hesitate to… etc. – Vocabulary: Formal letters.
On vacation at the resort – Typical situation
A practical immersion in the language where by the student will live through a real life situation similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary then once the exercise has been completed they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.
The cash goes on the kids – Dialogue
The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 3
Colds & flu
Functions: Expressing health problems: symptoms and prescriptions. – Grammar: Impersonal pronouns: one one’s you they. Advice+indications: you really should. etc. – Vocabulary: Health: illnesses( colds and flu) medicines. Giving advices.
Functions: Describing symptoms of depression – Grammar: Probability and ability – Vocabulary: Psychology and depression
Job Hunting – Candidates
Functions: How to look for a job – Grammar: Punctuation marks: apostrophe suspension points hyphen full stop etc. – Vocabulary: Jobs and occupations Curriculum vitae: education work experience hobbies and interest references.
Job Hunting – Interviews
Functions: How to do a job interview – Grammar: Just Indirect questions Emphasis – Vocabulary: Letters of application for a job.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 4
Dolphin therapy
Functions: Expressing physical or emotional handicaps. – Grammar: English common expressions: at speed be that as it may even so in captivity – Vocabulary: Natural therapy.
Animal rights
Functions: Talking about animal rights – Grammar: Articles: a/an; the Extreme adjectives: absolutely utterly totally etc. – Vocabulary: Animals and their background.
Animal wrongs – Reading comprehension
In this lesson students read a review of a film about animal rights. The text is followed by questions in a sequential order that elicit students’ skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice and matching statements with their corresponding sections.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 5
«Three men in a boat»
Functions: Narrating a story – Grammar: Verbs+ prepositions of movement: to sail from….to; to drift past; to glide through etc. – Vocabulary: Novels.
The Brontë sisters
Functions: Talking about the English literature of the nineteenth century ( The Brönte Sisters) – Grammar: Adverb+adjective combinations : strikingly original bitterly disappointed deceptively simple highly intriguing deeply religious deeply disturbing etc. Inversion for emphasis: hardly ever/ scarcely ever no sooner….than etc. – Vocabulary: Biographies.
Public speaking
Functions: Showing how to prepare a public speaking – Grammar: Revision of modals : able allowed to manage to succeed in used to likely needn’t I daresay etc. Formal expressions in speeches: I should like to it gives me great pleasure etc. – Vocabulary: Vocabulary used in public speaking.
I’ll give you a ring!
Functions: Talking about colloquial English – Grammar: Ellipsis (omission of words): back in a moment etc. Tag questions: imperatives offers and suggestions. Idioms and colloquial expressions: don’t hang about step on it watch out! how should I know? I’ll give you a ring what a racket! etc. – Vocabulary: Colloquial English.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 6
Feng Shui
The moon’s influence
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Unit 7
A guide to the Seychelles
Functions: Talking about tourism – Grammar: Prepositional phrases with nouns: at the distance of by means of in addition to in charge of in search of in the hope of Weights and measures – Vocabulary: Weights and measures Tourism.
An international language
Functions: Talking about the English language as an international language – Grammar: Adjectives+ prepositions: involved in afraid of anxious about etc. Differences between speak and talk ( and tell and say)+ ways of speaking: murmur whisper mumble etc. – Vocabulary: English words coming from Australia and New Zealand.
Alternative schools
Functions: Talking about alternative education – Grammar: Nouns+prepositions: a reason for a disadvantage of damage to an attitude to/ towards contact between etc. Stative verbs: verbs of senses mental or emotional verbs reporting verbs and other verbs such as be have seem/appear belong etc. – Vocabulary: Education.
Happy families
Functions: Talking about the family unit – Grammar: Prepositions+nouns: by accident under control etc. See/ watch/notice/hear/listen/feel+object+infinitive or gerund. Verbs of seeing: see look observe spy gaze stare glance etc. – Vocabulary: The family.
The food of the gods
Functions: Talking about the history of Latin America – Grammar: Passives – Vocabulary: Food.
Test exercises
In the last lesson of this unit students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.
- Course revision
- End-of-module test.
Final test
In this last lesson of the course and as a way to revise the student will come across a variety of exercises which will help consolidate and evaluate any knowledge which has been acquired throughout the duration of the course.