• ACCEDE AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 60 horas In this level, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English. Whilst introducing the correct use of the indefinite article, subject pronouns and basic syntax including the verb 'To Be' and the alphabet, the course covers functions including: greetings and introductions, nationalities, through meaningful, contextual exercises. As well as introducing the essential structures and vocabulary necessary to talk about the topic areas mentioned, the learner is encouraged to practice pronunciation from the very beginning.
  • ACCEDE AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 60 horas In this level, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English. Whilst introducing the Present Simple tense of the most common verbs, the correct use of the articles, determiners, frequency adverbs and basic syntax; the course covers functions including: jobs, eating out and telling the time through meaningful, contextual exercises. By the end of the level, the learner will have encountered the necessary structures to communicate using present tenses on a limited level in situations of immediate relevance, will be able to communicate basic needs and desires as well as make observations and appropriate responses to typical comments. As well as introducing the essential structures and vocabulary necessary to talk about the topic areas mentioned, the learner is encouraged to practice pronunciation from the very beginning.
  • ACCEDE AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 90 horas The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas. In this course the learner is introduced to the contrasting uses of the tenses covered so far such as Present Continuous for future plans with Going to for intentions. As with the other levels on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, correct regular past tense endings as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered.
  • ACCEDE AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 90 horas The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, especially in real-life situations such as work and leisure, house and home, films and habitual actions etc. In this course the learner will continue to notice an increased confidence when faced with basic functions and will be able to read an English or American newspaper with little difficulty, follow conversations in English with native speakers and participate in more complex exchanges. In terms of grammatical structures there will be continued revision and extension of the structures covered with emphasis on parts of the language such as phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions and the differences between British and American vocabulary. As with the other levels on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, correct regular past tense endings, minimal pairs, elision as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered.
  • ACCEDE AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 90 horas The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, motivating the learner to become conversant on diverse subjects such as the family, work issues and making arrangements. In terms of grammatical structures there will be continued revision and extension of the structures in all tenses with focus on the future tenses to talk about completed or predicted actions in the future. Productive and receptive skills are stretched with more phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions, the differences between British and American vocabulary, making predictions and talking about future plans, offering, suggesting. As with the other levels on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, word stress, vowel sounds, contractions as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered.
  • ACCEDE AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 60 horas A high level of English which let you to manage yourself without any problem with any people of English spoken language and in situations which require a very formal a totally fluent English. It is advised for those one who have a daily contact with the English language, both at work or travelling, or for those ones who simply want to have the personal satisfaction to speak a language perfectly.
  • ACCEDA AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 60 horas Au fur et à mesure de la progression, l'élève apprendra à décrire son entourage immédiat d'une façon élémentaire, à interagir dans des situations communicatives de base, ainsi qu'à identifier et nommer correctement les objets de la vie quotidienne au moyen de constructions attributives simples.
  • ACCEDA AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 60 horas Au fur et à mesure de la progression, l'élève apprendra à décrire son entourage immédiat d'une façon élémentaire, à interagir dans des situations communicatives de base, ainsi qu'à identifier et nommer correctement les objets de la vie quotidienne au moyen de constructions attributives simples.
  • ACCEDA AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 90 horas Au fur et à mesure de la progression, l'élève apprendra à décrire son entourage immédiat d'une façon élémentaire, à interagir dans des situations communicatives de base, ainsi qu'à identifier et nommer correctement les objets de la vie quotidienne, il apprendra à parler de son futur, son présent et son passé.
  •   Duración : 90 horas Au fur et à mesure de la progression, l'élève apprendra à échanger avec une certaine assurance, un grand nombre d'informations factuelles sur des sujets courants ou non, familiers à son domaine, il apprendra également à fournir des renseignements concrets exigés lors d'un entretien, à faire face à la majorité des situations susceptibles de se produire au cours d'un voyage.
  • ACCEDA AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 90 horas Au fur et à mesure de la progression, l'élève apprendra à comprendre des conférences et des discours assez longs et même suivre une argumentation complexe si le sujet lui en est relativement familier. Il sera capable de lire des articles et des rapports sur des questions contemporaines dans lesquels les auteurs adoptent une attitude particulière ou un certain point de vue, il pourra comprendre un texte littéraire contemporain en prose. Il apprendra à participer activement à une conversation dans des situations familières, à présenter et à défendre ses opinions.
  • ACCEDA AL TEST DE NIVEL GRATUITO   Duración : 60 horas El objetivo principal de este nivel es enseñarle al alumno una serie de capacidades, para que tras terminar el curso pueda hacerse entender de forma sencilla. El alumno será capaz de entender y utilizar expresiones familiares y diarias que pretenden satisfacer necesidades concretas. A lo largo de la progresión, el alumno aprenderá a describir su entorno inmediato de manera elemental, a interactuar en situaciones comunicativas básicas, así como identificar y nombrar correctamente los objetos de la vida diaria con construcciones atributivas sencillas.

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